Writing Samples

The Curious Task of Shared Goods: International Waterways and their Treatment as Archetypal Common-Pool Resources (An Economics senior thesis on the Nile and Mekong Rivers)

No Nation is an Island (A term paper on the trade policy of Indonesia)

Review: "China's Rise: Challenges and Opportunities" (A book review of the piece by Fred Bergsten et al.)

Mind Games (A term paper on the role of advertising in the competition of the Pepsi and Coca-Cola companies)

Quantitative Easing 2 (A brief essay on the Federal Reserve's second round of quantitative easing, the middle part of a larger group paper)

Economics of Fair Trade (A term paper for "International Economics")

Crises and Their Alleviation (A piece on the role of central banks in economic recovery)

Ancient Thought on Property Rights (A term paper on the origins of property rights theory)

Social Media's Impact on the Arab Spring (A term paper on the use of social networks in the modern world)